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Jumat, 30 Desember 2016

Factual Reports


A.      Denifition
A factual report is also called an informative report

B.      Purpose
The text is used to describe general natural, man-made and social phenomena. It tells the reader about the way things are. Reports have a logical sequence of facts that are stated without any personal involvementfrom the writer. They differ from descriptive texts in which they are used to describe one specific things. Reports deal with things in general. For example, when we write a factual report about dogs, we describe general features of dogs. But, if we want to describe a specific dog (e.g my dog), we will write a description text

C.      Structure
-          General Classification
This part opens the text with a brief statement about the things that will be discussed
-          Description
This part describes the things in detail. In this part, the writer describes all aspects of the things under discussion. It can discuss its parts and functions, behaviors, physical appearances, etc
D.      Language Features
-          Nouns and noun pharases are usedrather than personal pronouns. The use of personal pronouns is limited
-          Most reports are written in the simple peresnt tense
-          Some reports use technical or scientific terms
-          Linking verbs are used to give coherence e.g is, are, has, have, and belong to
-          Use action verbs(climbs, eat, etc)
-          No temporal sequence
-          Descriptive language is used. It is factual rather than imaginative, e.g. colour, shape, size, body parts, habits, behaviours, function, and uses.
E.       Example


Do you know what media is? What are its benefits for human being?
Media consists of various constantly updated information which become the most important thing nowadays.
Media creates, modifies, informs, and delivers products to viewers. They can be in form of news, weather reports, TV shows, musics, films, even communication channels such as phone calls and social medias.
F.       Exercises

                A jelly fish is a sea creature that is gelanatious or made up of”jelly-like” material. It lives in almost all oceans from the surface to the deep sea. A jellyfish ha a gelatinousumbrella-shaped bell for its movement and tentacles for capturing  prey.There are three kinds of jellyfish: medusae (stinging jellyfish), comb jellies (non-stinging jellyfish), and salp (a barrel-shaped jellyfish)
                Jellyfish’s tentacles have millions of very small cells, called nematocysts. The cells enable it to capture by injecting some toxin. The toxin will spread through the prey’s skin. A jellyfish eats many kinds of things,such as plankton(small plants), copepod, fish eggs and small eggs and small fish. They even eat other jellyfish. A great number of jellyfishin one area will be bad forfishermen because  they will eat almost everything in the water and no fish willcome close to the area.

1.       What is the purpose of the text?
A.      To describe a jellyfish in general
B.      To show how a jellyfish reproduces
C.      To explain how a jellyfish captures it’s  prey
D.      To show the relationship between a jellyfish and a fisherman
E.       To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of jellyfish for humans

2.       What is the function of nematocysts?
A.      To reproduce
B.      To move  forward
C.      To threaten  fishermen
D.      To prolong  their  lifetime
E.       To inject some toxin intothe prey

3.       The cells enable it  to capture prey by injecting some toxin.” (paragraph 2)
What does the pronoun refer  to ?
A.      A  jellyfish
B.      Plankton
C.      Toxin
D.      Water
E.       Area

4.       What is the tense usedin the text
A.      Present Tense
B.      Past Tense
C.      Past Continous
D.      Present Continous
E.       Past Perfect

5.       What this text about?
A.      Jellyfish is a sea creature that is gelatinous or made up of “jelly-like” material
B.      There are seven kinds of jellyfish
C.      A jellyfish many kinds of things
D.      Jellyfish tentacle is called nematocysts

E.       They even eat other jellyfish 

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