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Minggu, 26 Maret 2017

Reported Speech
You want to tell somebody else what Ridho said.
There are two ways of doing this:
You can repeat Ridho’s words (direct speech):
Ridho said,” I’m feeling ill.
Or you can use reported speech
Ridho said that he was feeling ill.

1.      Statement (Pernyataan)

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech

She said,  ”I watch TV every day”
She said (that) she watched TV everyday

She said,  “I have watched TV”
She said she had watched TV

She said,  “I am watching TV”
She said she was watNching TV

She said, “ I Watched TV”
She said she had watched TV

She said, “ I will watch TV”
She said she would watch TV

She said, “ I am going to watch TV”
She said she was going to watch TV

She said, “ I can watch TV ”
She said she could watch TV

She said, “ I may watch TV ”
She said she might to watch TV

She said, “ I might watch TV “
She said she might watch TV

She said, “ I must watch TV “
She said she had to watch TV

She said, “ I have to watch TV”
She said she had to watch TV

She said, “ I should watch TV”
She said she should watch TV

She said, “Watch TV”
She told me to watch tv

She said, “Do you watch TV?”
She asked (me) if I watched TV”

2.      Imperative 
·        Positive Imperative

1.      He said, “Go away”                           à        He told me to go away
2.      “Come here!” she said                     à        She asked him to come her

·        Negative  Imperative
Contoh :
1.      He said, “Don’t go away!”              à         He told me not  to go away
2.      “Don’t come here!” she said         à          She asked him not to go away

1.      Perubahan Pronoun dan possesive adjective
He / she
Me / he / she / them / I / him / her
His / her
Their / our
My / his / her

2.      Perubahan Adverb
Then, at the time
That day
The next day

The day after

The following day

A day later
Next ..........
The ...... after

The following ........
Last ......
The ..... before

The previous

The preceeding
....... ago
......... before

........ earlier
The day before

The previous

The preceeding day
The day before yesterday
Two days before

Perubahan Tenses
Present simple
Present continous
Present perfect
Present perfect continous
Past simple
Past continous
Past perfect
Past perfect  continous
Future simple
Future continous
Future perfect
Future perfect continous
Past perfect
Past future continous
Past future tense
Past future perfect continous
Past simple
Past perfect
Past continous
Past perfect continous
Past perfect
Past perfect

3.Question (Pertanyaan)
Pola Reported Speech yang berupa  pertanyaan pada  kalimat tidak langsung berubah  menjadi kalimat  statement
a.      Yes/No Question
Kata penghubung yang digunakan dalam Indirect Speechnya adalah if atau whether  sehingga polanya menjadi
IF/whether + S + Predikat
Direct speech    :
Rozi asks”are you happy?
Indirect speech :Rozi asks  if I am happy

Direct speech     :
Hendri asked meDo you love me?
Indirect  speech: Hendri asked me whether I loved him
WH Question
WH question + S+V
Direct  Speech              : Fadia asked me,” where do you live?
Indirect Speech:Fadia asked me where I lived
Direct Speech  : Vina asked Rani,” How do you go to school?
Indirect Speech: Vina asked Rani how  Rani went to school
1.      He says,” I am very sad
2.      He said,” I am very happy
3.      The  students said,”we are waiting for our teacher
4.      The teacher said to their students”, Don’t be lazy!
5.      My baby said,” Be careful on the way
6.      Ridho said,” Don’t close the window!
7.      He asked me,” Are you a student?
8.      Jhon asked Mary,” Why do you love me?

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