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Minggu, 01 Januari 2017

Materi Recount

A.      Purpose
to retell past event(s) to give information

B.      Generic Structure
v  Orientation
Ø   Who, When, Where
v  Event(s)
Ø   Thing(s) happened
v  Re-orientation(optional)
Ø   Writer’s impression/ opinion

C.      Language Features
-           Using Past Tense
-           Using action verb
-           Using adjectives

D.      Example
Last week while cycling near a jungle, Rudi noticed a bright light through the trees. He stopped his bicycle and walked into the jungle. He hid behind a tree and tried to see where the light come from . It was the headlights of a white van. He saw three men got out of the van. One man opened the back doors while the other two walked into a hut nearby.
Rudy noticed some boxes in the back of the van. The man carried one box out. It looked heavy.
Rudy hear the man said something. Then the two man come out and began to help their friend. They carried several boxes at first. Later they began to drag them. Suddenly, one box torn and its contents spilled out. Rudy could not see it was. So he tried to get a closer look. He saw a lot of thin square plastic packets.
Rudy realizes what the content are. Suddenly, the men’s angry voices alerted him. He quickly went back to his bicycle and cycled as fast as possible to the nearest police station.

E.       Exercises
Read the text and Answer these questions
Yesterday a verybad traffic jam happened on Pit street. It almost three kilometres down  the road. A long line of vehicles was moving along at a slow pace. The vehicles were crawling almost bumper to bumper. There is usually a smooth flow of traffic along that strecth of road. The traffic jam was apparently caused by a road accident at the end of Pitt street.
Near the end of the street, where there was a sharp bend, who wheels were lying on the road divider. A car had knocked down a lamp post and there was broken glass all over the road. A crowd of curious on-lookers had gathered at the scene of the accident.
However, they were told by a policeman to stay away from the wrecked car. Policemen were busy controlling the situation.
The car had skidded after turning round the bend. It had jumped off the road divider and knocked down the lamp-post. The car was terribly damaged.
Soon there was a commotion as a military truck and a public works department van arrived. Some men in green overalls got down from the truck and started working on the lamp-post using machines and electrical gadgets. It was reported that three men were badly injured. They  had been taken by the ambulance to the nearest hospital.
It was a really bad accident in a busy day. Luckily, there were no passers-by injured.    

  1. What is the purpose of the text?
  2. Make generic structure of the texk!
  3. When the story happened?
  4. The car had skidded after turning round the bend. What is the closest meaning of the underline?
  5. What is the main idea part 1?

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