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Minggu, 24 September 2017

An opinion is the way you feel or think about something. Our opinion about something or someone is based on our perspective. Whenever we give express our opinion, it is important to give reasoning or an example to support our opinion

1.      Asking somebody’s opinion
·        Do you have any thoughts on....?
·        Do you think.......?
·        What do you think about?
·        What are your ideas?
·        How do you feel about
·        What do you reckon about..
2.      Giving your Opinion
·        I think that......
·        I feel that........
·        I reckon that...
·        I guess
·        I believe that
·        From my point of view,.....
·        In my opinion,
·        My attitude
I think our city is overpopulated
I reckon that our team played better with our rival.
In my opinion, economy is growing because of high consumption on fuel
To express our strong opinion, we may say:

·        I’m absolutely convinced that
·        I’m very sure that
·        I strongly believe that....
·        I have no doubt that......

Linda    : I think this seminar is going to be great.
Risa      : What is it about?
Linda    : It’s about how to be a creative blog writer.
Risa      : Do you have a blog? Do you often write on your blog
Linda    : Yes, I do. Well, I often write about my experiences. You should try it, it’s really fun.  You can express your feelings and emotions freely on a blog.
Risa      : That’s true. According to some psychologist, teenagers like us need to express our emotions through appropriate channels. A blog might be one of them.
Linda    : Couldn’t agree more.
Answer the questions
1.      What is the seminar about?
2.      What does Linda often write about on her blog?
3.      What is Linda opinion on writing blog?
4.      What do psychologists say about teenagers?
5.      What is the purpose of the text?

Rabu, 02 Agustus 2017

Offer means to give help. It can be taken or refused
Suggest means to promote a plan. It can be accepted or refused
When making offers we often use the following expressions:
May I.....
Can I....
Would you.....
How about I......
Shall I.....
I will.......
May I give you a hand?
Can I help you?
Would you like another piece of cake?
How about I help you with this?
Shall I help you with your homework?
I will do the washing if you like.
When Making Suggestion we often use the following expression
Why don’t we......
We could......]
What about.....
How about......
I suggest that.....
You might want to change.....
I think.......
I don’t think.........
Let’s go to the beach
Why don’t we go to the restaurant?
We could eat at home today.
What about eating at the new place?
How about going to Borobudur temple first?
I suggest that we call it a day.
You might want to change your sleeping habits
I think you should go and meet Rudy.
I think we should do it this way

Example: Dialog1
Read thefollowing dialog and then answer the questions
Alif                   : Excuse me, Miss Lizzy
Teacher            : Hi Al. Please sit down
Alif                   : Thank You
Teacher            : Is there anything I can do for you? It seems that you have something on your mind
Alif                   : I’d like to ask you about the assignment you gave us last week
Teacher            : Do you mean the paper on “recycling”? what’s the matter ?
Alif                   : I couldn’t get a reference book, since all the books in the libary on the subject were borrowed by the students.   
Teacher            : I see. We need to expand the libary’s book collection. I have an idea. Why don’t you use my book?I’ve finished reading it. I don’t really need it right now
Alif                   : Thank you, Miss. That would be great.
Teacher            : No problem.I hope you do well on theassignment
Alif                   : I will
1.      Why does Alif want to see Miss Lizzy?
2.      What kind of assigment did Miss Lizzy give Alif’s class?
3.      What does Miss Lizzy offer Alif for his assigment?
4.      What does Alif’s response to Miss Lizzy’s offer?
5.      Is the conversation a formal or informal situation?

Dialog 2
Nani     : Hi Rudy, what’s up? You look pale. Are you ok?
Rudy    : Not really, actually.I have a stomachache. It really hurt.
Nani     : I’m sorry to hear that. Have you taken any medicine?
Rudy    : Yes, I have,  but the pain hasn’t gone away.
Nani     : I think you should go to the doctor.
Rudy    : I want to, but we have a physical education lesson in about an hour. There’s a test on dribbling techniques.
Nani     : I see. I think you should tell Mr. Andre that you won’t be able to take the test and would like to have make up test another day.
Rudy    : Do you think Mr. Andre will give his permission?
Nani     : Well, you had better talk to him as soon as possible
Rudy    : Okay, I’m going to the teacher’s room then. Thanks for your advice, Nani
Nani     : You are welcome. Get well soon, Rudy
Answer the qustions
1.      Why does Rudy look pale?
2.      Has Rudy taken any medicine?
3.      What suggestion does Nani make about Rudy’s ilness?
4.      What does Rudy say in response to Nani’s suggestion?

5.      What does the dialog happen?

Selasa, 25 April 2017

Report text

Social Function à  To describe the way things are with reference to a range of natural man-made and social phenomena in our environtment

Generic Structure
A. General classification
 tells what the phenomenon under discussion is
Tells what the phenomenon under discussion is like in terms of
o   Parts
o   Qualities
o   Habits or behaviours, if living, uses, if non-natural

 Lexico Grammatical
1.       Focus on generic participants
2.       Use of relational processes to state what is and that which it is
3.       Use of simple present tense
4.       No temporal sequence

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day is a celebration of harvest, thankfulness for peace, and the attempt of Native Americans. It is usually celebrated in late autumn. 
In the past, Thanksgiving was celebrated for their rich harvest in New England. In North America, however, it was originally held to thank God for their survival in the new land which was not easy for them. However, in Canada, it had been celebrated as in New England. Thanksgiving now is celebrated in United States of America and in Canada. Thanksgiving festivals are held every fourth Thursday of November in the U.S and on the second Monday of October in Canada. It is usually celebrated in four to five days in the North America and for three days in Canada
It is celebrated through families and friends gathering to eat and give good luck. Turkey is the main dish in the thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving parades are also usually held. In Thanksgiving homes are decorated with wreaths, fresh and dried flowers. Lamps are lighted to brighten the environment. Tables are decorated with best china and antique silver dishes to mark the occasion.
            Bees are flying insect that are found all over the world.There are over twelve thousand different species of bees, but only about two thousand of these are found in North America.
            Bees can be divided into groups according to their living styles. Solitary bees live alone. On the other hand, social bees, like ants,live in group. Only about six hundred species are of his social category.
            Social bees are interesting because in their” society” there are different classes of bees. Each class performs a different task. Queen bees lay eggs. Workers, underdeveloved females, work in the hive but never reproduces. Males do not work, their only task is mate with the queen.
            Solitary bees occur as males and females.Every female make a nest in the ground where she will lay her eggs. The nest consists of many cells.  After an egg is laid and put in a cell,the female also adds some pollen and honey for food. Then she seals the cell. The females then go elsewhere build a new nest or die. When the eggs hatch, the larvae will feed on the pollen and honey which the female left for them

1.       Which bees produce eggs ?
2.       What is the duty of the queen ?
3.       What does a young larvae cat ?
4.       Where does the nest of the solitary female bees lie ?

5.       The generic structure of the text consists of...........................

Minggu, 26 Maret 2017

Reported Speech
You want to tell somebody else what Ridho said.
There are two ways of doing this:
You can repeat Ridho’s words (direct speech):
Ridho said,” I’m feeling ill.
Or you can use reported speech
Ridho said that he was feeling ill.

1.      Statement (Pernyataan)

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech

She said,  ”I watch TV every day”
She said (that) she watched TV everyday

She said,  “I have watched TV”
She said she had watched TV

She said,  “I am watching TV”
She said she was watNching TV

She said, “ I Watched TV”
She said she had watched TV

She said, “ I will watch TV”
She said she would watch TV

She said, “ I am going to watch TV”
She said she was going to watch TV

She said, “ I can watch TV ”
She said she could watch TV

She said, “ I may watch TV ”
She said she might to watch TV

She said, “ I might watch TV “
She said she might watch TV

She said, “ I must watch TV “
She said she had to watch TV

She said, “ I have to watch TV”
She said she had to watch TV

She said, “ I should watch TV”
She said she should watch TV

She said, “Watch TV”
She told me to watch tv

She said, “Do you watch TV?”
She asked (me) if I watched TV”

2.      Imperative 
·        Positive Imperative

1.      He said, “Go away”                           à        He told me to go away
2.      “Come here!” she said                     à        She asked him to come her

·        Negative  Imperative
Contoh :
1.      He said, “Don’t go away!”              à         He told me not  to go away
2.      “Don’t come here!” she said         à          She asked him not to go away

1.      Perubahan Pronoun dan possesive adjective
He / she
Me / he / she / them / I / him / her
His / her
Their / our
My / his / her

2.      Perubahan Adverb
Then, at the time
That day
The next day

The day after

The following day

A day later
Next ..........
The ...... after

The following ........
Last ......
The ..... before

The previous

The preceeding
....... ago
......... before

........ earlier
The day before

The previous

The preceeding day
The day before yesterday
Two days before

Perubahan Tenses
Present simple
Present continous
Present perfect
Present perfect continous
Past simple
Past continous
Past perfect
Past perfect  continous
Future simple
Future continous
Future perfect
Future perfect continous
Past perfect
Past future continous
Past future tense
Past future perfect continous
Past simple
Past perfect
Past continous
Past perfect continous
Past perfect
Past perfect

3.Question (Pertanyaan)
Pola Reported Speech yang berupa  pertanyaan pada  kalimat tidak langsung berubah  menjadi kalimat  statement
a.      Yes/No Question
Kata penghubung yang digunakan dalam Indirect Speechnya adalah if atau whether  sehingga polanya menjadi
IF/whether + S + Predikat
Direct speech    :
Rozi asks”are you happy?
Indirect speech :Rozi asks  if I am happy

Direct speech     :
Hendri asked meDo you love me?
Indirect  speech: Hendri asked me whether I loved him
WH Question
WH question + S+V
Direct  Speech              : Fadia asked me,” where do you live?
Indirect Speech:Fadia asked me where I lived
Direct Speech  : Vina asked Rani,” How do you go to school?
Indirect Speech: Vina asked Rani how  Rani went to school
1.      He says,” I am very sad
2.      He said,” I am very happy
3.      The  students said,”we are waiting for our teacher
4.      The teacher said to their students”, Don’t be lazy!
5.      My baby said,” Be careful on the way
6.      Ridho said,” Don’t close the window!
7.      He asked me,” Are you a student?
8.      Jhon asked Mary,” Why do you love me?