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Rabu, 02 Agustus 2017

Offer means to give help. It can be taken or refused
Suggest means to promote a plan. It can be accepted or refused
When making offers we often use the following expressions:
May I.....
Can I....
Would you.....
How about I......
Shall I.....
I will.......
May I give you a hand?
Can I help you?
Would you like another piece of cake?
How about I help you with this?
Shall I help you with your homework?
I will do the washing if you like.
When Making Suggestion we often use the following expression
Why don’t we......
We could......]
What about.....
How about......
I suggest that.....
You might want to change.....
I think.......
I don’t think.........
Let’s go to the beach
Why don’t we go to the restaurant?
We could eat at home today.
What about eating at the new place?
How about going to Borobudur temple first?
I suggest that we call it a day.
You might want to change your sleeping habits
I think you should go and meet Rudy.
I think we should do it this way

Example: Dialog1
Read thefollowing dialog and then answer the questions
Alif                   : Excuse me, Miss Lizzy
Teacher            : Hi Al. Please sit down
Alif                   : Thank You
Teacher            : Is there anything I can do for you? It seems that you have something on your mind
Alif                   : I’d like to ask you about the assignment you gave us last week
Teacher            : Do you mean the paper on “recycling”? what’s the matter ?
Alif                   : I couldn’t get a reference book, since all the books in the libary on the subject were borrowed by the students.   
Teacher            : I see. We need to expand the libary’s book collection. I have an idea. Why don’t you use my book?I’ve finished reading it. I don’t really need it right now
Alif                   : Thank you, Miss. That would be great.
Teacher            : No problem.I hope you do well on theassignment
Alif                   : I will
1.      Why does Alif want to see Miss Lizzy?
2.      What kind of assigment did Miss Lizzy give Alif’s class?
3.      What does Miss Lizzy offer Alif for his assigment?
4.      What does Alif’s response to Miss Lizzy’s offer?
5.      Is the conversation a formal or informal situation?

Dialog 2
Nani     : Hi Rudy, what’s up? You look pale. Are you ok?
Rudy    : Not really, actually.I have a stomachache. It really hurt.
Nani     : I’m sorry to hear that. Have you taken any medicine?
Rudy    : Yes, I have,  but the pain hasn’t gone away.
Nani     : I think you should go to the doctor.
Rudy    : I want to, but we have a physical education lesson in about an hour. There’s a test on dribbling techniques.
Nani     : I see. I think you should tell Mr. Andre that you won’t be able to take the test and would like to have make up test another day.
Rudy    : Do you think Mr. Andre will give his permission?
Nani     : Well, you had better talk to him as soon as possible
Rudy    : Okay, I’m going to the teacher’s room then. Thanks for your advice, Nani
Nani     : You are welcome. Get well soon, Rudy
Answer the qustions
1.      Why does Rudy look pale?
2.      Has Rudy taken any medicine?
3.      What suggestion does Nani make about Rudy’s ilness?
4.      What does Rudy say in response to Nani’s suggestion?

5.      What does the dialog happen?