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Rabu, 15 Februari 2017

Review Text
The purpose      : To criticize an art work,event for a public  audience.
Such works of art include movies, TV shows, books, plays, operas, recordings, exhibitions, concerts and ballets.
Generic Structure           
·         Orientation : places the work in its general and particular context, often by comparing  it with others of its kind or through analogue with a non-art object or event.
·         Interpretive  Recount: summaries the plot and/or provides an account of how the reviewed rendition of the work came into being, is optional but if present, often recursive.
·          Evaluation:provides an evaluation of the work and/or its performance or production, is usually recursive.
·         Evaluative Summation: provides a kind of punch line which sums up the reviewer’s opinion of the art event as a whole, is optional.
Lexicogrammatical Features
·         Focus on Particular Participant
·         Direct expression of options through use of Attitudinal Epithets in nominal groups, qualitative  Attributes and Affective Mental Processes
·         Use of elaborating and extending clause and group complexes to package the information.
·         Use of metaphoral language
My Super Ex-Girlfriend(Comedy, 96 minutes)
Starring Uma Thurman, Luke Wilson, Anna Faris, Eddie Izzard, Rainn Wilson and  WandaSykes. Directed  by Ivan Reitman.
Superhero Jenny/G.Girl(Uma Thurman) uses her powers to make an ugly pos-break-up word  for her ex-boyfriend, Matt (Luke Wilson). The film exploits  female  irrationally and could well be called ”Why a Woman Shouldn’t Be a Superhero” and deserve a slap in the face for that.
Interstellar Movie Review
On the one hand, I was impressed with Cristhoper Noland’s Interstellar . It was an epic  movie with wonderful visuals that attempted to bring  tough  astrophysics to a general audience. It was an opportunity to showcase real interstellar science in the public domain. However, the Dark Knight Rises director’s space adventure  failed to deliver, eventhough I was trying to see past itsscientific shortfalls.
               The story begin  in the future  on a dying  Earth. There’s no time for space exploration, life on earth is all about fighting disease, hunger and cripping climate change. The message  is clear: if we stop exploring, we die. In Interstellar’s future we stopped looking at the stars and we paid the ultimate price.
               Matthew Mc Conaughey’s acting was as to be ecpected; deep, emotional and well executed, as was Anne Hathaway’s character, Amelia Brand.In general, the casting and everyone’s acting was good. It was a movie with all the right elements.
               Interstellar missed the opportunity to display brilliant science fiction and that’s why I’m annoyed. It had potency, but that potential was squandared,unnecessary.

Answer these questions
1.       What is the message of Interstellar movie?
2.       What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
3.       What is the purpose of the text?
4.       According to the reviewer, the movie had  a potency of an excellent science fiction, but it was............
5.       Make generic structure of the text!


Minggu, 12 Februari 2017

PROCEDURE TEXT (manual and tip text)
A manual is a small book that consists of instruction on how to operate, do, or handle something. When we buy electronic devices or a certain medication, we will find a manual in the package. It is important to read the manual before operating or doing  a certain  thing. A manual may consists of operating steps
 A tip is piece of advice on how to do a certain thing. A tip is a key point in being successful in doing the things. A manual and tip are written in the form of a procedure text which functions to tell how to do or make something.
Lexico grammatical of a procedure text:
1.     Using a numbered list of instructions.
2.     Using Imperative sentences
3.     Using adverbs of sequence: first, then, next, after that,once etc.
An example of a procedure text :
How to record your voice on a tape recorded
-              First, you push the POWER button
-              Then, you put a blank cassette into the tape recorder
-              After that, you push the RECORD button and speak in the microphone
-              When you finish recording, you have to push the stop button.
-              If you want to listen to the result of your recording, push the REWIND button
-              Finally, you push the PLAY button and listen to your recording.

Read the text and answer the questions
Fire Precautions
If you detect a fire
1.       Sound the fire alarm
2.       For small local outbreaks, and if there is no personal danger,
try to put out the fire by using the nearest extinguisher.
In the event of fire
1.       Warning bells/sirens will ring continuously
2.       Close all doors and windows  behind you
3.       Leave the building

1.       Where would you likely find the text?
2.       What warning is given?
3.       What is the purpose of the text?
4.       What is the text about?
5.       Make generic structure of the text!